Whitlee Says

I started out a long time ago reading a blog called Dear Baby (now called Brave in Love) It’s written by a woman named Melissa and when I originally found it she was pregnant with her first baby, Everly. I actually went back to the beginning and read the entire thing, all through her pregnancy and birth with Everly and then kept reading through her second baby, Arlo. I can honestly say the way she wrote about motherhood was a turning point in my life where I went from unsure if I wanted children ever to “I must absolutely experience this love”. She’s an awesome writer and you should read a bit of her blog of you get a chance. (She has no idea I exist.. Just to clarify this isn’t a sponsored post or anything.) Annyyway, one type of post she does is “Everly Says” and it’s one of my favorites because her daughter is adorable and hilarious. They’re quick little excerpts from conversations with her now kindergartener. 

Now that Whitlee has started to say real words I wanted to start doing this as well but what she said two days ago deserves its own post. I’m sure with two smart mouth parents, we’re eventually in for some real treats. 

But first, the day I think my heart exploded. There are special moments that stick out in my mind with this girl, her first cry (I also cried), her first laugh (I cried again), when she said her first word “Da Da” and then later “Daddy” but two days ago on September 1st – she finally said “Mama”. Shut. The. Front. Door. 

She’s been doing this thing when she’s upset where she whines and wants me to pick her up saying “Mmmm” and occasionally it would turn into “Mmmmaaaaa” (reminds me of “Maa! The meatloaf!!” on Wedding Crashers) but never really “Mama”. Well after her bath on Tuesday, I had her on her changing table for a diaper and jammies and she was looking at mine and Nolan’s picture on the wall above her. I told her, “That’s Daddy and Maa Maa” trying to encourage her to say it. And she smiled and looked back at me and said “Ma Ma”. I seriously squealed and started yelling for Nolan and she thought it was hilarious and said it a couple more times for good measure. 

Now picture me doing a happy dance every time she says it and telling everyone I know. I’m that mom. 🙂


5 thoughts on “Whitlee Says

  1. Well, CONGRATULATIONS “Mama”!!!!!! I know you are absolutely Thrilled to hear this. Our baby is getting so big and SOOOO smart. I want to be able to remind you how happy you were to hear “mama” when she gets a little older when every other word is mama mama mama! LOL!!! Like you say, I’m sure you’re going to hear some things that you wish you could un hear!! But, she is so amazing, beautiful and bright. You would never know it now that she was a preemie. I know “our” Whitlee is going to outshine all others of her age. Believe me, she is going to be the smartest kid on the block. Of course, I’m not at all prejudice! LOL!! I love you all so much and just want to say again what WONDERFUL parents you both are. So, “Mama” give MY baby sugar and ya’ll take care. Keep the Instagram pictures coming. HUGS AND KISSES

  2. Pingback: Whitlee | 10 Months | Southernly Ever After

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